Each summer the Charlevoix Yacht Club offers a variety of fun cruising activities for our powerboat squadron and our cruising sailors.
June 6-8: Annual Shake Down Cruise to Suttons Bay
June 22: Dinghy Lunch at the Landings Restaurant
June 27 - July 21: Major Cruise to the North Channel
Aug 2-3: Overnight Anchorage in Bowers Harbor, Traverse City. Dinghy to Jolly Pumpkin
Aug 8-10: Weekend in Elk Rapids
We’re looking forward to a great boating season so let’s get your calendars set as soon as possible.
Please contact Bob Fawcett at 239-770-0610.
June 20-22: East Jordan Freedom Festival
CYC cruising sailors will head to East Jordan to enjoy the festivities together. Powerboats are also welcome. Outdoor movie on Thursday night at the waterfront baseball fields. Bands on Friday and Saturday nights at the
municipal docks, followed by fabulous fireworks on Saturday. www.eastjordanfreedomfestival.org
June 222: Cutty Sark Trophy Race
Depart East Jordan at 10:30 for Ironton. Upon finish, we will anchor, picnic and swim near the Ironton narrows. Trophy and Cutty Sark awarded to the winner at the picnic on the water. Free to CYC members!
July 6: Beaver Island Race
CYC Cruising sailors are again joining the racing fleet for the Beaver Island Race. Last summer our signature offshore event had the largest turnout in years. Join the fun!. The NOR will be posted on Racing page.
July 12: Boyne Thunder
View the Boyne Thunder Offshore Powerboats in action in Charlevoix as the parage through Charlevoix from 12:30- 1:30 PM.
July 27 – August 10: North Channel Cruise
We will cruise to the North Channel, arriving in Little Current on August 3 to swap crew. Return crew drives to Little Current on August 3, and will sail back to Charlevoix with us arriving August 10.
August 16: Race/Cruise to Northport
9 AM Bridge. Grill your dinner at the beach next to the docks and bring a dish to share. We had a great time in 2024 and look forward to another fun race/cruise in 2025. Free to CYC members!
Following the East Jordan Freedom Festival on Sunday, June 22nd, we will race/cruise to Ironton then anchor for lunch near the Narrows. Chris and Pat Begrow have donated the Cutty Sark Trophy to be awarded to the winning boat.
Make your dock reservations now at East Jordan, Beaver Island and Northport Harbor for our 2025 cruising events!
Call Chris Begrow at 215 996 1011 for more information.