How to Apply

How to Apply

Become a member

Want to join the Charlevoix Yacht Club?  We welcome your inquiry.  

We are currently accepting a limited number of new memberships each month.  Please let us know of your interest by completing our membership inquiry form.  

Once your inquiry is received

When our membership committee receives your inquiry, we will contact you with more information and a link to download a PDF file of your application package for membership. Past members rejoining,  crew membership upgrades, or applications for membership levels under age 30 may be expedited for review.

Sponsorship information

To join the club at the full membership levels, you will need a sponsor: a current full member in good standing for at least two prior years.  If you do not know a member of the club who can sponsor you, note that in your inquiry, and our membership committee will endeavor to make introductions. 

Instructions for applicants and sponsors

Submit the New Membership Application form for Associate, Club, and Sustaining levels with the Sponsor Interview Questionnaire form and a Sponsor Letter.  The Sponsor Interview Questionnaire should be completed jointly by the applicant(s) and the sponsor. The letter from the sponsor should address their relationship to the applicants, explain why the applicants would be good candidates for membership, and affirm their commitment as sponsors to guide the applicants through their first years of membership in the club. Co-sponsoring letters by other members may be beneficial.  All must be signed, dated, and submitted together at one time. 

Submit your application

When you have completed your application package, you may upload that and your sponsor letter to the website, at the location provided with your application. Completed, signed application packages will be considered in the order received.  Once we receive your application documents, we review them for completeness and begin phone discussions via the membership committee.  The committee typically discusses interests and club opportunities with the applicants.  The committee and board typically process a few applications per month.  It may take two or three months to complete the application process from your initial inquiry to acceptance by the board. Once accepted as a member by the board, the proper dues payment and one-time initiation fee (if required) will be collected.  

If you have any questions, please email: 

We appreciate your interest in the Charlevoix Yacht Club.