The Charlevoix Yacht Club offers a variety of membership levels and age brackets designed to make the club accessible and affordable to members of all ages. Membership runs for a calendar year January-December. Some memberships and brackets require a one-time initiation fee and all are based on an annual dues payment.
Those 18 years of age and older, who crew on a racing sailboat with an existing full member, may be sponsored for a Crew Limited membership. It provides accessibility to the clubhouse on Wednesday and Thursday race evenings, Sunday afternoons, and other sailing events only. Crew Limited members over the age of 21 may also purchase beverages at the bar, and all will receive most emails. The membership covers one person only and there are no voting rights and no reciprocity with other yacht clubs. There are two age brackets, 18-20 years old, and age 21+.
Crew Limited: | ||
Age: 18 - 20 | Annual Dues: $26 | (No Initiation Fee) |
Age: 21 + | Annual Dues: $36 | (No Initiation Fee) |
Complete the Crew Limited Application Form (Age 18-20) Online >
Complete the Crew Limited Application Form (Age 21+) Online>
Once you've submitted your application, you will receive an invoice from CYC via email. Pay online and you are done!
A full membership is required for a skipper or captain and their spouse, or couples, and family members who would like to be able to attend all club functions, and for those who would like to engage in racing activities by sailing their own boat. Full members may race their boats, can vote in the annual elections, and have reciprocity. If in good standing for two years, they are entitled to run for a Director position on the Board, to reserve and rent our clubhouse for personal functions, and to sponsor new memberships.
There are three levels of full membership open to new members -- the Associate, Club, or Sustaining levels.
Associate memberships are for those ages 18-20 who want to join and will register to race their own sailboats.
Associate: | ||
Age: 18 - 20 | Annual Dues: $139 | No Initiation Fee |
Pay race fees w/ application.
Club-level memberships are for adult individuals or couples aged 21 or older. A Club-level membership involves a commitment each year to volunteer the members’ time and personal efforts to support various club functions, operations and maintenance, committees, officers, club projects, regattas and extra programs, and/or food hosting for evening or party events. New members should be guided by their Sponsors to find volunteer opportunities that are fulfilling and encourage their satisfaction, renewals, continuing participation, and longevity. During the first full year and thereafter, volunteering is expected of all Club-level members.
Club: | ||
Age: 21 - 29 | Annual Dues: $280 | No Initiation Fee |
Age: 30 - 39 | Annual Dues: $420 | 1X Initiation Fee: $275 |
Age: 40+ | Annual Dues: $420 | 1X Initiation Fee: $550 |
Sustaining-level memberships are for adult individuals or couples aged 21 or older who are unable to volunteer consistently or who wish to make a greater financial commitment to the Charlevoix Yacht Club. Sustaining-level memberships are greatly appreciated for the additional financial support they provide, which enables the Club to continue to offer many great services and programs. Volunteering is optional at the Sustaining level.
Sustaining: | ||
Age: 21 - 29 | Annual Dues: $560 | No Initiation Fee |
Age: 30 - 39 | Annual Dues: $840 | 1X Initiation Fee: $275 |
Age: 40+ | Annual Dues: $840 | 1X Initiation Fee: $550 |
To learn more, visit us at the Club on Wednesday or Thursday race evenings from 6 to 10 PM, or almost any Wednesday or Friday evening from 6 to 9 PM. We are open many Saturday evenings in the summer and some Sunday afternoons in the fall. Contact for more information.